Red Liver Blood Pool Scan

There is no specific preparation required. Medications can be taken as normal.

This procedure is performed in two parts.

Upon arrival to the Nuclear Medicine department you will be given an injection and be required to wait for approximately 20 minutes.

After waiting you will be then asked to lie down on the scanning bed and a radioactive tracer will be injected into a vein, usually in your arm.

The first stage of imaging will commence immediately and will take 45 minutes. The second stage of imaging will be taken approximately 3 hours later. This will take 45 minutes.

Our Nuclear Medicine Physician will review the images and issue a report. Once completed, the report will be sent electronically to your referring health professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Red Blood Cell Liver Scan diagnoses and evaluates liver haemangiomas.

4 to 5 hours.

  • Your original request form

  • Medicare and any Government concession pension or health care cards

  • Previous relevant imaging

This examination has no associated side effects.

This examination is not suitable for pregnant women. Breastfeeding mothers may undergo the procedure, but will need to cease breastfeeding for 12 hours after the scan. Breast milk should be expressed & discarded during this period. Breastfeeding may resume after the 12 hours.

Within 4-5 working days.